Monday, November 29, 2010

We have fleas!!!

After a few days of living in the house, Peter and I noticed that we both had quite a few bug bites around our ankles but we had no idea why we were getting them.  We started looking around and soon enough we noticed fleas jumping around!! VERY GROSS!!  We were totally grossed out.  We were living with old carpet and the previous owners had dogs, so we weren't too surprised to find these little pests.  Once we figured this out... we took ACTION!  While we were at work, we set up many bug bombers throughout the house to kill all of these gross little guys!  That following weekend, we ripped up all of the carpet and started putting in wood floors! WOOO!!  Here are pictures of the progress of the flooring:

Putting down wood floors in the family room and hallway.  Don't worry though, we made sure to still watch college football all day! : P

The end of one days work after tearing out the carpet and starting to get the hang of how to do the wood floors! 

The end of our first weekend of work! We were pretty productive finishing the family room and most of the hallway.  Now we are just waiting for new carpets in the bedrooms and we will eventually lay the wood floor in the kitchen! WOO! 


Pictures from our move-in day! We had a lot of help and we are very thankful for everyone who came!  Some of our Impact kids, our families and extended family!  It made things go so smoothly!  We picked up a U-haul at about 6:45AM and we got started!  We had to be out of our apartment complex by that night so we knew that we needed to work quickly! Here are some pictures of that fun/crazy/tiring day! 

Cousin Kyle and some Impact boys:
 Zac, Peter, Kyle, Craig and Impact boys! Everyone needed a lunch and football break! :)
 Me and two of my lovely Impact girls!
 Uncle Lew, Grandma Betty, & Dawn

The Adventures of Peter & Whitney

So.... we started a blog!

We moved into our house and have started slowly renovating the place.  We thought it would be fun to post pictures of the progress of the house so that all of you, whether you are close by or far away, can be a part of the craziness! :) Hopefully we will be able to update this pretty often; however, we are both so busy!

Here are two pictures of the outside of the house: